Sunday, 25 November 2012


Why does ANYONE choose to continue to live in Sydney (having just spent 4 days there out of necessity I will use Sydney as my most recent experience in the "city")?

Granted, my hubby and I did not venture to the tourist traps on Darling Harbour and beyond - however I believe our location was a truer reflection of day-to-day "life" in this city.  We were there for medical purposes only, and went directly from the airport to our destination close to a large hospital.   The only other suburb we visited was 20 minutes away by taxi.

Both of these suburbs reflected quite plainly that our majority of inner city (and beyond?) suburbs are dominated by one ethnic group in each case.  It is obvious that the shopowners in the streets we visited are hard workers, busily going about their own little enterprise with vigour (probably in a more upbeat fashion than our home-grown Aussies, but that's another subject for another day).  The traffic on streets is beyond the ridiculous, roaring in your ears all day and well into the night.  And yes, the suburb where the hospital is and where we stayed, was definitely a residential suburb also.  We stayed 2 doors down from a daycare centre!

How much would some people TRULY sacrifice if they "upped stakes" and moved a thousand or more kilometres away, to where the air is breatheable, the silence is deafening, and I promise quality of life is way better.  I think people these days are way too insecure about the perceived "unknown factor", which in truth, is a part of our every waking moment!  I say get out while you still can, put your kids in a country school, and learn to actually look around you, and just linger, and feel that this place is just as liveable as your grey, cold city was.  Dare to get out of your comfort zone! 

No, there are no guarantees that you will settle magically into this new place, but we humans have that inate ability to communicate in a positive way if we so wish, and reach out if that's what it takes to start a fresh way of life.  You can choose what you want to pursue in the way of work, because there is always work out there if one is willing to try new experiences.  I'll bet you wont be financially worse off than you were in your frenetic city life, and the fringe benefits will be priceless.

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